Christmas and New Year's holidays are often deliriously looked forward to by most of us because, well, I suppose because we as humans like to structure things and then relieve ourselves from them for a while. So we spend months and weeks running around madly from one job, event, commitment, whatever fills in the blank, to another ... desperately waiting for the next 'break', so to speak. Just so we can rest, unwind, let a bit loose. But perhaps, in doing so, as we're running out of breath towards a temporary finish line, we tend to miss the actual getting there. Everything that should be savoured - whether that be easy or difficult: making tough calls as we go along, adjusting, acclimatizing, learning and growing.
We've done a lot in the past few months alone. You (and I!) have learned a lot of new things, skills, techniques. And there is so much more to explore. However, I invite you all to use this break to reflect on how this experience so far has also helped in further forging who we are as people. And how what we are experiencing is strengthening us, helping us discover new things about us or shedding light on weaknesses and challenges that we might need to give some attention to. Reflection is the most powerful tool an artist must nurture at all costs. Whether you celebrate Christmas and NYE, or not, let this pause also be an opportunity for thought, digesting the journey so far and ultimately moving on to a healthy turn of a new exciting page.
May we all reconvene in the new year feeling inspired, reinvigorated, strong and happy.
Happy Holidays!
Simone Spiteri
Director of Learning