A few introductory words from our Director of Learning: Simone Spiteri and, our Senior Mentor for Muso Project: Rachel Fabri Camilleri.
Hi everyone,
I am so excited to kick off this year working with you all. Having met almost everyone by now it is already thrilling to see the energy and enthusiasm everyone has approached this with and I am sure that a lot of interesting and great experiences lie ahead for everyone.
For those who have never worked with me before I am primarily a writer and theatre maker and act, direct and produce theatre both for my company Dú and with or for other companies locally and abroad. I am a visiting lecturer at University in Theatre Studies and I really hope that my experiences in theatre will serve to aid you through your own journey this year.
As your Director of Learning I will be involved in pretty much all aspects of Studio 18 and am usually kept in the loop with what is going on in all programmes and on an individual basis concerning each member. Most of my own sessions are with Lab, Actor Project and Mentorship but I will also be meeting the Musos at different points throughout the year as well.
I truly hope that this year is an inspiring and fruitful one for everyone where we all learn (myself included!) feel safe enough to experiment and try new things and most of all enjoy the process.
Simone Spiteri
Director of Learning
Hi all,
I am ecstatic to be taking on a different role as Senior Mentor for Muso Project this year.
For those of you who don’t know me as well as some of the others, I’m Rachel Fabri Camilleri; known primarily as a singer/musical theatre performer/classical-crossover artist as well as a vocal coach…and a wife…and mum!
If you want to know more about me (free unashamed plug here), feel free to check out www.rachelfabri.co.uk to see what I've been up to!
With regards to our talented batch of Musos, the first block will focus on skills and technique. Everyone has a different starting point but it is vital that we work as a team and help each other out along this way. This, will not only make the process run smoother, but will also build on skills such as teamwork and altruism.
It is important that apart from working hard at our craft and perfecting our Muso skills, we get to know each other and work as best as we can as a team.
We will also dive into some history of musical theatre, learn about our own voices - both spoken and sung, learn about how to see ourselves in respect to what it means to be a triple threat, do some sight singing, as well as also start thinking about Muso Merlot songs and storytelling for the following term.
Apart from myself, you are also extremely fortunate to have a dynamic team consisting of Simone Spiteri (Director of Learning), Christina Cauchi (Movement Director) and Antonella Mifsud (Storytelling for Muso Merlot) on board!
Hoping you're bursting with ideas and questions and eager to learn and work your socks off this term!
Rachel Fabri Camilleri
Senior Mentor for Musical Theatre