Dear all,
A new year, new decade, new starts, and beginnings. All of these bring a fresh page, a blank canvas, and a distinct perspective. Resolutions are dished out like flyers of a nearby fringe theatre show, and possibly dropped as hastily as they were picked up. Just like the first episode of a new season from your favourite binge worthy series, new beginnings bring hopes and expectations of things becoming bigger, better, and more exciting. In reality, things will might very possibly stay the same; maybe better or worse at times, and perhaps slightly different, but for the most part the same. What can change are the choices we make on a daily basis.
As the new cultural ambassador, I am faced with the task of maintaining what the past ambassadors have achieved. Ben Abela and Brendon Thearle, followed by Denise Perini and Gab Mendez, have developed countless initiatives in order to strengthen our community of practice and outreach pillars; all the while succeeding, failing, learning, and trying new things with great humility. However, as these musings inspire me, I am aware that there is a lot of exciting work to be done.
This year we attempt to further establish our outreach goals by looking into a sustainable means of connection. Aside from creating new networks, continuing the newsletter, and reaching out to schools, we aim to explore a holistic meaning to being part of a local community and arts scene, both intrinsically and extrinsically.
Nonetheless, as you are presumably grow tired of reading this rather generic introduction, for the time-being I shall stop speaking, continue listening, and begin doing.
Aidan Aquilina
Cultural Ambassador 2020